VIM survival manuals
Cmd | Meaning |
I | insert mode; |
Esc | command mode; |
o | append mode; |
:shell | temp enter shell; |
Ctrl+z | temp enter shell(v2); |
fg | return back to vim; |
shift + > | insert tab; |
/word | search word; |
n | search next; |
b,w | jump word; |
gg, | G jump start, end; |
10g | go to 10 line; |
Ctrl + d,u | page down, up; |
v | visual mode; |
y | yank(copy); |
dd | cut; |
p | paste; |
:vsp | vertical split tab; |
:sp | horizontal slpit tab; |
Ctrl + w | change focus window; |
Ctrl + n | nerd tree |
:q! | quick not save; |
:qw | quick + save; |
:u | undo |
:s/one/two/g | replace current line “one” from “two” |
%s/one/two/g | replace all |
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